Parent Feedback
Year 5 Parent
"My son has more confidence when we go out, he has a willingness to try new things. My son enjoys the extra time with his friends, who he wouldn’t usually see out of school. Personally, no improvements are needed. My son always has a good time and really enjoys the experience. Keep up the good work!”
Year 6 Parent
“My son really enjoys the residential provision and has lots of fun. A happy boy! It has really helped him improve his self – esteem, confidence, attitude, and behaviour at home. I don’t think there’s anything to improve. It is amazing.”
Year 6 Parent
“It’s nice for my son to be able to access the residential provision. It enables him to gain independence alongside getting social and emotional support. He looks forward to tea!”
Year 6 Parent
“Really pleased with my son’s progress so far.”
Year 6 Parent
“My son states that he really likes school and looks forward to staying on the residential provision.”
Year 6 Parent
“My son engages in activities that he wouldn’t try at home. Reports from the residential support staff highlight that he is becoming more independent. No improvements to be made to the residence provision, we get end of term updates on what they have done and how things are going.”
Year 6 Parent
“The residential provision has had a huge impact on my son. He’s not got many friends, so it gives him a chance to grow with his peers and have fun. It has also helped him with certain situations. My son has confidence to try new things and has shown he’s got more self-esteem about himself and how he presents himself. He has become more independent. My son enjoys the most about staying on the residential provision is his own independence and the fun activities.“
Year 8 Parent
“The residential provision has been a massive help for social development, life skills, independence and confidence. It helps my son in so many ways that at home I don’t always have the time or money. My son enjoys everything about the residential provision; I don’t think there’s anything negative. You all do a fab job. My son knows this. It helps so much with everyday life skills that can’t always be done at home”.